Tomy i-Sobot: don’t call it the “tiny robot” or a “toy robot”!
Sunday, June 14th, 2009According to the Tomy i-Sobot website, this is the world’s smallest humanoid robot in production, as per Guiness World Records. With 17 servos and only 6-1/2″ high, it could be.
And I should be one to talk about the “smallest”.
The Tomy I-SOBOT stands a mere 6-1/2 inches tall. The articulated joints give the i-Sobot an incredible range of motion. And, it’s fun to pose.
The Tomy I-SOBOT
requires 3xAAA batteries, and Tomy has included rechargeable NiMH Sanyo Eneloop batteries. The remote takes AA batteries (not included). Tomy says it should run for 60 minutes under normal use.
When you power it on, the i-Sobot stands upright. A green “eye” lights up. A blue side-light on the side of the head can be turned on and off separately.
There are two switches on the back. One is for power, the other is a channel selector. The remote control is infrared, and the IR sensor is on the robot’s shoulder.
Tomy I-SOBOT is powered by 17 customs developed servo-motors and 19 integrated circuit chips. He features a built-in gyro sensor and comes fully assembled, ready for action. He can be controlled in a variety of ways: by pre-programmed actions, user programmed actions (done easily with the LCD remote control), or by real-time remote control or voice commands.
Check this video on YouTube about i-Sobot hidden commands by AlphA202303!
The Tomy I-SOBOT it’s now available for US $ 129.95 (28% off its regular price!)